
The Susanne Grau Heim (SGH) affords aged people (as from the age of 55), who are desirous of more peace and less responsibilities, a new home. Responsibilities are taken over by the management, who manages the SGH in cooperation with the Board of the Deutscher Frauenverein. This enables you to enjoy the comfort of a residential community alongside other like-minded people. You will soon feel at home having your own furniture in the chosen accommodation. Depending on this accommodation, you are afforded the options of full board, room cleaning and laundry services. The SGH is located close to the city centre, with short routes to shopping facilities and event venues. The SGH prides itself with excellent security, being well fenced and a guard supervising the passenger traffic at the entrance. Seniors in need of care, who are no longer able to provide for themselves, are taken care of in the SGH frail care centre.
Susanne Grau Heim  29 Simeon Shixungileni (Bismarckstraße 29 )  Windhoek/Namibia  Tel. +264 (61) 235719                              Website by PC4U
Retirement Home of the German Women´s Association
Susanne Grau Heim